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최근 게시물

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pymel 예제

푸딩뱃살 | 2022.07.05 19:20 | 조회 605
pymel 예제
  • 느리지만 한번 써보자!
# pymel
# https://help.autodesk.com/view/MAYAUL/2020/ENU/?guid=__PyMel_index_html
# https://archive.ph/ZnF4t

for sO in pm.core.general.ls('*_kdw'):

att = pm.core.general.PyNode('TemplateManager') # nt.Transform(u'TemplateManager')

att.nodeType() # u'transform'
att.name() # u'TemplateManager'
att.nodeName() # u'TemplateManager'

# attribute
# https://archive.ph/tw20v
att.visibility # Attribute(u'TemplateManager.visibility')
att.attr('visibility') # Attribute(u'TemplateManager.visibility')
att.v.type() #bool
pm.core.general.Attribute('TemplateManager.visibility') # Attribute(u'TemplateManager.visibility')
pm.core.general.PyNode('TemplateManager.translate') #instance = Attribute(u'TemplateManager.translate')

# lock
for axis in ['scaleX', 'scaleY', 'scaleZ']:

# attr set/lock
if att.visibility.isKeyable() and not att.visibility.isLocked():
    att.visibility.lock() # lock
    att.visibility.unlock() # unlock
# att
att.visibility.setLocked(True) # lock

pmg.lockNode([], lock=1) # list lock

att.visibility.setKeyable(True) # keyable
att.visibility.showInChannelBox(True) # hidden


# hide/show
pmg.hide(att) # visibility off
pmg.showHidden(att) # visibility on
pmg.showHidden(all=True) # all visibility on (with cameras)
pmg.showHidden(all=False) # not working

# add attr
s = pm.core.modeling.polyCube()[0] # nt.Transform(u'pCube1')
# set attr
s.fValue.setRange(-2, None)
# get attr
s.fValue.getRange() # [-2.0, 3.0]

# add attr
pm.core.general.addAttr(att, ln='testString', dt='string')
# del attr

# add / set attr
att = pm.core.general.ls('TemplateManager')[0]
att.nodeType() # u'transform'
att.addAttr('test', dt='string')
# Warning: pymel.core.general : object TemplateManager no longer exists #
# 위 경고가 나올 때는 본 상위 스크립트 att 변수로 했을 경우 나오고,
# 바로 위 att 변수로 했을 경우 경고 없음
# https://archive.ph/h3LSS (해결 없음)

# setAttr


# # Error: Problem with the API object returned by __apiobject__ method #
# 위 에러가 나올 때는 cmds를 사용한 것을 pymel로 변경
# https://archive.ph/X1Wrz

# getAttr

# connect
att.tx >> att.ty
# disconnect
att.tx // att.ty

# parent

# pymel dictionary
# https://archive.ph/uRSGX
AllObjects = {}  # node-to-name dictionary
def store():
    for obj in pmg.ls():
        AllObjects[obj] = obj.name()

def diff():
    AllObjsCopy = AllObjects.copy()
    for obj in pmg.ls():
            oldName = AllObjsCopy.pop(obj)
            newName = obj.name()
            if  newName != oldName:
                print ("renamed: %s ---> %s" % ( oldName, newName ))
        except KeyError:
           print ("new: %s" % ( obj.name() ))
    for obj, name in AllObjsCopy.iteritems():
        print ("deleted:", name)

s = pmm.sphere()[0]
c = pmm.polyCube(ch=0)[0]
store()  # save the state of the current scene


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