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[펌] Maya 2017 PySide2 Docking Qt QMainWindow

푸딩뱃살 | 2017.07.05 14:54 | 조회 4412
Maya 2017 PySide2 Docking Qt QMainWindow
:PySide2를 이용한 마야 메인 윈도우에 도킹 스크립트

Qt.py를 이용한 윈도우 클래스

윈도우(QMainWindow) 형
This is what you need to do in order to get a qt window to dock next to maya channel box,
In all maya versions, including 2017 with PySide2
__author__ = "liorbenhorin@gmail.com"

import sys
import os
import logging
import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml
from cStringIO import StringIO

# Qt is a project by Marcus Ottosson ---> https://github.com/mottosso/Qt.py
from Qt import QtGui, QtWidgets, QtCore, QtCompat

    import pysideuic
    from shiboken import wrapInstance

except ImportError:
    import pyside2uic as pysideuic
    from shiboken2 import wrapInstance


import maya.OpenMayaUI as omui
from maya.app.general.mayaMixin import MayaQWidgetDockableMixin
import maya.cmds as cmds

def loadUiType(uiFile):
    :author: Jason Parks
    Pyside lacks the "loadUiType" command, so we have to convert the ui file to py code in-memory first
    and then execute it in a special frame to retrieve the form_class.
    parsed = xml.parse(uiFile)
    widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
    form_class = parsed.find('class').text

    with open(uiFile, 'r') as f:
        o = StringIO()
        frame = {}

        pysideuic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
        pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
        exec pyc in frame

        # Fetch the base_class and form class based on their type in the xml from designer
        form_class = frame['Ui_%s' % form_class]
        base_class = getattr(QtWidgets, widget_class)
    return form_class, base_class

def maya_main_window():
    main_window_ptr = omui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()
    return wrapInstance(long(main_window_ptr), QtWidgets.QWidget)

def maya_api_version():
    return int(cmds.about(api=True))

class MyDockingWindow(MayaQWidgetDockableMixin, QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
    MAYA2014 = 201400
    MAYA2015 = 201500
    MAYA2016 = 201600
    MAYA2016_5 = 201650
    MAYA2017 = 201700

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        self.deleteInstances() # remove any instance of this window before starting
        super(MyDockingWindow, self).__init__(parent)
        compile the .ui file on loadUiType(), a function that uses pysideuic / pyside2uic to compile .ui files
        uiFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'MyDockingWindow_ui.ui')
        form_class, base_class = loadUiType(uiFile)
        self.ui = form_class()


    def dockCloseEventTriggered(self):

    # Delete any instances of this class
    def deleteInstances(self):

        def delete2016():
            # Go through main window's children to find any previous instances
            for obj in maya_main_window().children():
                if str(type(obj)) == "<class 'maya.app.general.mayaMixin.MayaQDockWidget'>": # ""<class 'maya.app.general.mayaMixin.MayaQDockWidget'>":
                    if obj.widget().__class__.__name__ == "MyDockingWindow": # Compare object names

        def delete2017():
            Look like on 2017 this needs to be a little diffrents, like in this function,
            However, i might be missing something since ive done this very late at night :)

            for obj in maya_main_window().children():
                if str(type(obj)) == "<class '{}.MyDockingWindow'>".format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__)[0])): # ""<class 'moduleName.mayaMixin.MyDockingWindow'>":
                    if obj.__class__.__name__ == "MyDockingWindow": # Compare object names

        if maya_api_version() < MyDockingWindow.MAYA2017:

    def deleteControl(self, control):
        if cmds.workspaceControl(control, q=True, exists=True):
            cmds.workspaceControl(control, e=True, close=True)
            cmds.deleteUI(control, control=True)

    # Show window with docking ability
    def run(self):
        2017 docking is a little different...

        def run2017():

            # The deleteInstances() dose not remove the workspace control, and we need to remove it manually
            workspaceControlName = self.objectName() + 'WorkspaceControl'

            # this class is inheriting MayaQWidgetDockableMixin.show(), which will eventually call maya.cmds.workspaceControl.
            # I'm calling it again, since the MayaQWidgetDockableMixin dose not have the option to use the "tabToControl" flag,
            # which was the only way i found i can dock my window next to the channel controls, attributes editor and modelling toolkit.
            self.show(dockable=True, area='right', floating=False)
            cmds.workspaceControl(workspaceControlName, e=True, ttc=["AttributeEditor", -1], wp="preferred", mw=420)

            # size can be adjusted, of course

        def run2016():
            # on maya < 2017, the MayaQWidgetDockableMixin.show() magiclly docks the window next
            # to the channel controls, attributes editor and modelling toolkit.
            self.show(dockable=True, area='right', floating=False)
            # size can be adjusted, of course
            self.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Preferred)

        if maya_api_version() < MyDockingWindow.MAYA2017:

def show():
    this is the funciton that start things up
    global MyDockingWindow
    MyDockingWindow = MyDockingWindow(parent=maya_main_window())
    return MyDockingWindow


Tab(QDockWidget) 형
Template class for docking a Qt widget to maya 2017+.
Author: Lior ben horin

import weakref

import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.OpenMayaUI as omui
from shiboken2 import wrapInstance

from Qt import QtGui, QtWidgets, QtCore # https://github.com/mottosso/Qt.py by Marcus Ottosson 

def dock_window(dialog_class):
        logger.info('removed workspace {}'.format(dialog_class.CONTROL_NAME))


    # building the workspace control with maya.cmds
    main_control = cmds.workspaceControl(dialog_class.CONTROL_NAME, ttc=["AttributeEditor", -1],iw=300, mw=True, wp='preferred', label = dialog_class.DOCK_LABEL_NAME)
    # now lets get a C++ pointer to it using OpenMaya
    control_widget = omui.MQtUtil.findControl(dialog_class.CONTROL_NAME)
    # conver the C++ pointer to Qt object we can use
    control_wrap = wrapInstance(long(control_widget), QtWidgets.QWidget)
    # control_wrap is the widget of the docking window and now we can start working with it:
    win = dialog_class(control_wrap)
    # after maya is ready we should restore the window since it may not be visible
    cmds.evalDeferred(lambda *args: cmds.workspaceControl(main_control, e=True, rs=True))

    # will return the class of the dock content.
    return win.run()

class MyDockingUI(QtWidgets.QWidget):

    instances = list()
    CONTROL_NAME = 'my_workspcae_control'
    DOCK_LABEL_NAME = 'my workspcae control'

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(MyDockingUI, self).__init__(parent)

        # let's keep track of our docks so we only have one at a time.    

        self.window_name = self.CONTROL_NAME
        self.ui = parent
        self.main_layout = parent.layout()
        self.main_layout.setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2)

        # here we can start coding our UI
        self.my_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('hello world!')

    def delete_instances():
        for ins in MyDockingUI.instances:
            logger.info('Delete {}'.format(ins))
                # ignore the fact that the actual parent has already been deleted by Maya...

            del ins

    def run(self):
        return self

# this is where we call the window
my_dock = dock_window(MyDockingUI)

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