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정보기억 정보기억에 체크할 경우 다음접속시 아이디와 패스워드를 입력하지 않으셔도 됩니다.
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최근 게시물

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5.매뉴얼 플러스 - 전자제..

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랜덤 패스워드 생성

푸딩뱃살 | 2015.03.24 02:34 | 조회 4300
랜덤 패스워드 생성

변수 righthand, lefthand의 조합으로 패스워드 길이(변수 passwordLength) 만큼 랜덤으로 패스워드를 출력한다.
#!/usr/bin/env python
A simple script for making random passwords, WITHOUT 1,l,O,0.  Because
those characters are hard to tell the difference between in some fonts.

#Import Modules
import sys
from random import Random

rng = Random()

righthand = '12345!@#$%qwertasdfgzxcvbQWERTASDFGZXCVB'
lefthand = '67890^&*()yuiophjknmYUIPHJKLNM'
allchars = righthand + lefthand

    passwordLength = int(sys.argv[1])
    #user didn't specify a length.  that's ok, just use 8
    passwordLength = 12
    alternate_hands = sys.argv[2] == 'alt'
    if not alternate_hands:
        print "USAGE:"
        print sys.argv[0], "[length of password]",
        print "[alt (if you want the password to alternate hands]"
    alternate_hands = False

for i in range(passwordLength):
    if not alternate_hands:
        sys.stdout.write( rng.choice(allchars) )
        if i%2:
            sys.stdout.write( rng.choice(lefthand) )
            sys.stdout.write( rng.choice(righthand) )

출처> http://code.activestate.com/recipes/473852/history/1
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